When it comes to hiring in the world of sales, hiring managers want to see a resume that outlines a track record of success. While
News You Can Use: May 20, 2015
This week’s News You Can Use contains career strategy advice from recruiters and much more… https://paper.li/VAFrancoResumes/1410291563
Three Must-Haves for a Stand Out CIO/IT Executive Resume
Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) and IT Executives must develop a long- and short-term technology strategy and lead teams that execute it
Four Steps to a Spot-On & Compelling COO Resume
Chief Operating Officers (COOs) are responsible for managing a company’s day-to-day operations and for transforming a company’s vision into an operational reality. A successful COO
Quick Fixes to Four Common LinkedIn Blunders that are Hurting Your Visibility
As of February 2015, LinkedIn boasts 347 million users and gets two new members every two seconds. With numbers like that at your disposal
Keep/Discard Decision-Making on 3 Common Career History Quandaries
A first step for most DIY resume writers is to outline a list of every job you’ve ever held since you were old enough for
What Kind or Resume Writer Is Right for You?
Ready to kick your job search into high gear and need a top-notch resume in your arsenal before pulling the trigger? Wrote your own resume
Need to Show You’re a Perfect Fit for a Role? Answer These 3 Questions on Your Resume
It’s been said before – your resume has just seconds to get past that initial skim read and into the keep pile for a deeper
Increase Odds of Getting Recruiter Attention by Being Active on LinkedIn
The Case for Being Active on LinkedIn If your goal is to generate recruiter attention, a stagnant LinkedIn profile or one merely up to date
Maximizing Your Chance for Top Pay amidst the 2015 Jobs Outlook
According to the USAToday’s take on the 2015 job outlook, hiring trends are certain to put a spring in your step even if it doesn’t
Five Questions to Make Your Resume Read like a Brochure and Not a Blueprint
The reality of today’s job market is that you are lucky to get a 6-10 second skim read during the first round of resume reading.
3 Steps to Boosting Your Odds of Job Search Success
Most people’s checklist for finding a new job reads like this: ☑ STEP 1: Update/create a resume ☑ STEP 2: Update my LinkedIn profile. ☑