As an executive resume writing consultant, I often work with clients understandably worried about how to overcome a gap in their career history. Whether you
Job Search
Hunting for an Executive Role? You’ll Need to Overcome these Resume-Writing Challenges
In my work as a resume writing consultant with executive clients, I find these leaders understand intuitively that their resume must appeal to high-level recruiters, leaders
Hunting for an Exec Role? How + Why You Must Start Building Your Online Brand
Targeting an executive and C-suite role often requires a solid online reputation, because recruiters use social media to find and vet candidates, and for proof
What to Keep (and Cut) When Crafting your Resume + LinkedIn
A first step for most DIY resume writers is to outline a list of all the jobs you’ve held since graduation. At some point, you quickly
Don’t Lose Profile Views by Skimping on this Most Commonly-Read LinkedIn Section
The headline section LinkedIn is the second most widely-read section on your profile. Whenever I’m conducting a resume consultation, I advise my clients that if you don’t
How to Transform Your Network into Your Most Valuable Job Search Tool
Making sure your resume and LinkedIn profile are amazing is just half the battle. The other half? As a resume and LinkedIn writer, I coach
Why Winter is the Best Time to Job Hunt — and Why You Shouldn’t Wait
Understanding recruiter cycles and timing your efforts accordingly, from getting professional help with CV or your resume, to sprucing up your LinkedIn to reaching out to
You’re Never too Old (or Young!) to Launch a Career Change
I work with people both over and under the age of 50 who ask me for help on how to write an executive resume. In
Make Sure You Are Ready for Job Hunting – Ready, Set, Go!
2020 is promising to be yet another fantastic year to test the job search waters! However, in today’s world where many roles get filled prior
Ready to Launch a Successful Job Search? 3 Job Search Themes You Must Understand
Over the course of the past 12 months, I saw an uptick in people job searching of their own volition rather than forced due to
The Power of a Great First Impression – Does Your Resume’s Contact Information Help or Hurt?
A great resume is a key first step toward that next critical step – getting an interview. Just as your choice of wardrobe is important
Does your Resume + LinkedIn Read Like a Blueprint or a Brochure?
For many C-Suite, Executive and seasoned professionals, As a result, their resume and LinkedIn are dense with too much information that outlines all aspects of