Last Fall, LinkedIn rolled out 3 tools to help users make informed decisions during a job search, and to help draw recruiter attention to their
Job Search
Hunting for an Executive Role? You’ll Need to Overcome these Resume-Writing Challenges
In my work as a resume writing consultant with executive clients, I find these leaders understand intuitively that their resume must appeal to high-level recruiters, leaders
Hunting for an Exec Role? How + Why You Must Start Building Your Online Brand
Targeting an executive and C-suite role often requires a solid online reputation, because recruiters use social media to find and vet candidates, and for proof
Don’t Lose Profile Views by Skimping on this Most Commonly-Read LinkedIn Section
The headline section LinkedIn is the second most widely-read section on your profile. Whenever I’m conducting a resume consultation, I advise my clients that if you don’t
Why Winter is the Best Time to Job Hunt — and Why You Shouldn’t Wait
Understanding recruiter cycles and timing your efforts accordingly, from getting professional help with CV or your resume, to sprucing up your LinkedIn to reaching out to
You’re Never too Old (or Young!) to Launch a Career Change
I work with people both over and under the age of 50 who ask me for help on how to write an executive resume. In
The Power of a Great First Impression – Does Your Resume’s Contact Information Help or Hurt?
A great resume is a key first step toward that next critical step – getting an interview. Just as your choice of wardrobe is important
Looking for a Competitive Edge? Go from Passive to Active on LinkedIn
Boasting a 2016 membership of 450 million, a passive profile alone no longer cuts it – particularly if yours is an industry inundated with job
How Your Resume Must Resemble a News Article to Get Past that First Scan
The term “resume reading” should be obsolete in today’s job market. Given that the average reader spends between six and 20 seconds on the first
Not Getting any Responses to Your Resume? It May Not Be Designed for an Online Read
When it comes to writing a professional resume, if you stick to the formatting that worked back as recently as 2010 . . . you
Ready, Set, Go! Three Steps to Making a Career Change this Fall
Dissatisfied with your current job? Next to January and February, September and October are the best months to land interviews according to top career website
There’s More than One Way to Research a Company that Interests You
This post was published in Ivy Exec and appeared in LinkedIn pulse in August, 2016 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————- Whether identifying companies to target or preparing for an interview,