In an ideal world, layoffs are performed as part of a large-scale plan to eliminate the dead weight and retain top talent. As we saw in 2020 with the pandemic, before that during the 2008 Financial Crisis and 9/11, and countless times during mergers, corporate takeovers, this isn’t always the case.
Instead, due to the changes in political administration, pressures of having to make decisions rapidly and under stress, and because payroll and benefits account for a company’s largest expense, the majority of those laid off were doing their best work at the time they received their pink slip.
Whether you’ve lost your job or preparing just in case, below are 6 things you can do NOW to survive and come out on the other end:
#1 Don’t Ignore PJLD
If you’ve just found out your role has been eliminated, the first piece of advice I can offer you is the analogy of what you might do on a flight when the plane loses pressure . . . put on your oxygen mask.
This means it’s OK to catch your breath and let the run of emotions and shock run through it. Post-job-loss disorder or “PJLD” may not be an official diagnosis but anyone who’s been through it before knows it’s 100% real.
While after the first 48 to 72 hours it will be time to forge a plan for your next move, don’t beat yourself up if you have a rough day.
If you haven’t lost your job but are constantly worried – that’s OK too – those feelings are equally valid and require oxygen masks from time to time as well.
#2 Take a Look at the Money
As soon as you are no longer employed, file for unemployment immediately. The Department of Labor’s Career One Stop can get you to your state’s site and contains additional job search research.
Next, do a budget that encompasses all your finances – including the must haves and the nice to haves. Figure out what can be paid in installments, what can be put on credit, and what can be cut out ASAP until cash starts coming in again.
#3 Get Your Career Marketing Collateral Ready to Roll
Make sure your resume and your LinkedIn profile are current in content and fresh in format.
If you haven’t needed to job search in the past 10 years, it’s important to note that while networking remains key, you’ll need to make sure both your resume can be properly read by Applicant Tracking Software or ATS, and that your LinkedIn is rich in keywords as the platform is a go-to site for hiring managers and recruiters searching for talent like you.
When it comes to resumes and LinkedIn, here are a few articles that can help.
- 7 Questions I Ask My Clients To Get Them Really Thinking About Their Career Story
- 5 Questions to Make Your Resume Read Like a Brochure – Not a Blueprint
- Why Your Resume Shouldn’t Be a Replica of Your LinkedIn
#4 Figure Out Who is Hiring
There are always companies hiring. Period. While IMHO networking still reigns as the best way to land fast, job boards can give you a solid of idea of who has hiring needs.
#5 Re-Engage Your Network
Once you know who’s hiring, the next step is to figure out who you know, who you need to know and who works there.
At this point if you’ve been slack about getting in touch with people, don’t beat yourself up or be embarrassed about connecting. People get it – and may welcome the opportunity to talk and commiserate.
Now is the time to reconnect and get conversations going.
#6 Make Sure You Are Ready for a Screen Debut
Thanks to the pandemic, Zoom has become a part of our everyday vernacular.
While many large companies had embraced video interviewing as part of the hiring process, thanks to lockdowns video and phone interviewing is now the norm across startups and established companies alike. Make sure you’re ready for your screen debut by practicing. The good news is that practicing on these sites (i.e., Zoom, Skype, WebEx) is free – which means you can record and see how you look and sound, and play with lighting to help you put your best foot forward. | | 704-771-8572