Discussion Highlights:
The strong similarities between job search and sales processes.
How your attitude and emotional state can make or break a job search.
3 questions to ask yourself when figuring out your next best move.
Messaging is everything! It informs what you say to others during outreach, interviews, and in your resume and LinkedIn profile.
. . . and much more.
Bob Goodwin is the Founder and President of Career Club, a unique service that uses proven sales and marketing methods to help clients land a career that matters to them. The inspiration for Career Club was born from his experience leading client engagements for global brands like Coca-Cola, Samsung and P&G – where he saw the opportunity to blend marketing principles with sales technology to conduct effective job search campaigns.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/bobgoodwincareerclub
Website: career.club
Email: bob@career.club
Podcast: Career Club LinkedIn Live