Caroline Hauser Slapak certainly has earned the title of international job seeker. Born and raised in Brazil, Caroline had spent her professional career working as a management consultant in Brazil. When crime was becoming intolerable in her native country, she took a leap and embarked on a new life in Israel in 2016.
Although her Israeli language skills were still rudimentary, with the help of a non-governmental agency, she was able to land her first role as a project manager and business analyst for a global company where her command of English sufficed. Unfortunately, her position was eliminated within two years as a result of an acquisition.
Surprisingly, her second take as a job seeker was long and exhaustive, and much tougher than her first.
Through volunteering, freelancing and blogging, and by leveraging LinkedIn to its fullest –while continuing to hone her Hebrew language skills – Caroline was hired after 12 months of job hunting. Today, she is a consultant with Moore Management Consulting, an Israeli Management consultant company.