We discussed the chemicals released in our brains that make us enjoy and remember stories, and why storytelling is so important whether you are looking to land a new job, sell a product or service, lead teams or influence others. Mark broke down key storytelling elements, and shared techniques on how even those born without the gift can become master storytellers.
Mark Carpenter is a serial storyteller. Telling stories since childhood, Mark leveraged his ability into a career in marketing communications and public relations and later as a college professor and corporate facilitator. His storytelling became even more purposeful and effective after researching and writing the best-selling book “Master Storytelling: How to Turn Your Experiences Into Stories that Teach, Lead, and Inspire.” Now, as a facilitator, consultant, and speaker, he teaches others what he learned in the process.
Free e-book: master-storytelling.com/podcastgift
Website: master-storytelling.com
Email: mark@master-storytelling.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/master-storytelling/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjUZRg9IxkejFioE2mnDr6w