When I try something and get it wrong, while I appreciate the error being pointed out – what I really need is straight forward guidance
executive resume
Print Reading is Dead – Is Your Resume Ready?
Print reading is just about dead – at least where resumes are concerned. Today, almost 100% of readers will read your resume on a screen,
Microsoft Report States Attention Spans Growing Shorter – the Impact on How you Write Your Resume
The hunch is now official – our attention spans have grown tangibly shorter – four seconds in fact – according to a recent Microsoft study.
Phone Not Ringing? Maybe Your Resume Doesn’t Answer These Three Questions
It’s been said before – your resume has between six and 20 seconds to get past that initial skim read and into the “keep” pile
Four Steps to a Spot-On & Compelling COO Resume
Chief Operating Officers (COOs) are responsible for managing a company’s day-to-day operations and for transforming a company’s vision into an operational reality. A successful COO
Give Your Resume a 21st Century Facelift
No one looks for jobs in the paper anymore. Why use a resume designed for that era? A resume up-to-date in terms of career history