Why Should I Be Active on LinkedIn? From a job search standpoint, the notion that LinkedIn is THE place to see and get seen is
linkedin advice
LinkedIn’s New Look and What It Means for Your Profile
LinkedIn changed its look a few months back. As someone hired for resume and LinkedIn professional services, I can attest to this fact: If you
All I Ever Needed to Know About Job Searching I Learned in Kindergarten
Overwhelming? For many – YES. . . but I hope you can take comfort (I know I do!) in the notion that many of the
LinkedIn – Nice v. Need to Haves
Although perhaps not nearly as cool as Twitter and Snapchat or as funny as Facebook or Instagram, – there’s no doubt that when it comes
Raindrops on Roses PLUS a Few of My Favorite Things on LinkedIn
Back in the days when Julie Andrews belted out this song in the classic “Sound of Music,” what used to transpire via Rolodexes and phone
Three Key Differences between LinkedIn and Your Resume
During the early days of LinkedIn, it was acceptable for your LinkedIn profile to be a carbon copy of your resume. Heck – you were